Sundar Pichai Wikipedia

                                                            About OF Sundar Pichai 
                                                           (CEO of google chrome)

Pichai sundar more commonly note was sundar pichai. was born in Madurai , Tamil Nadu , India on June 12  1972 . age 49 he be long to
middle  class family on never experience the luxury was in travelling by cars in it childhood .
     Pichai so technology in age of 12 years that is father first bought 
a land line phone he had remarkable skill of memorizing and remembering   number has he could key keep in mind all the numbers exactly 


I I T Kharagpur ( B Tech)

Stand ford university (MS)

University of pennsylvania (MBA)
CEO of Alphabet and google


Global leader ship award 2019 by USIBC

                        Journey Of Sundar Pichai

In India upon graduvating he migrated to the US in 1993 and he initially planned to pursue a PHD from Stanford and embarked on an academic career . He dropped the plant and joined applied meterial 
at silicon valley semiconductor maker as an engineer and a product manager but he did not work there for long he latter went in to complete his MBA from the warton school of the university of Pennsylania where he was named a siebel scholar and a farmer scholar following the completion of his MBA he was appointed as a management consultant at  MC kinsy and company while cinder was battling with his lonely days as a migrant on the shear road to success .
He needed to support  of his end girl friend and now wife a pivotal role in all his endeavor latter he joined 2004  Google should develop its own browser he discussed thise idea.


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